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Monday, March 22, 2010

Are You Ready To Get Started?

205277869_16_detail Sometimes I wonder, if God is really trying to drive the point home about trusting him in difficult situations. I began to examine the book of Job, and when Satan and God had their conversation, I inserted my name everywhere Job’s name was. I said to myself, could God, have had that conversation about me?

You know, sometimes I’m not so sure that God could have that conversation about me, there are many times where I feel I let him down, disappoint him, disrespect him, and do exactly the opposite of what he requires of me, but then those are normal human feelings.

However in life we may not really be ready to get started. There are so many tasks that lay ahead of us, that we are depending on others to help us do, I think God wants us to realize that we are equipped to do these things ourselves, sometimes we can become so dependent on others that we forget what we are truly made of.  Queen Esther learned that she was equipped also, and has a book named after her in the Bible. The Book of Esther, with only ten chapters is a very unique book in the bible, in that it does not mention God’s name even once, however his power and his method’s for delivering his people can clearly be seen throughout the text of the book of Esther. The only other book in the bible not to mention God’s name is the “Song of Solomon”. However, the book of Esther displays God’s providence in difficult times and that he comes through for his people.  {4:14} {4:16}

MyTurn The Time Is Now:

I truly believe that God uses each of our situations to show us, what we are truly made of. Often God wants us to take a reality check, there is a difference in relying on God, and being dependent on people. Have you noticed, like me, that it seems God will give you a vision, he will give you a dream, and in the physical many of us don’t feel like we can accomplish them, nor does it seem like we have the resources needed to make them a reality, we know that without God’s help they wont come to pass. Often we focus so much on getting our dreams, goals and visions for our lives to being a reality that we forget about our present, however this is a dangerous thing to do, it is our present that lays the foundation for our future.

What’s Hindering You?

20100219-go-paperless-600x250 Is it possible that you could be so focused on your future, that you have forgotten to lay down good foundations for your present? Are you waiting on others to help you accomplish what God has already equipped you and given you the tools inside of yourself to do? So, what’s hindering you? Is it a lack of faith, determination, motivation? Every time we don't trust God, we show doubt in him.

Are You Waiting Or Procrastinating?

31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

1258473613Afbeelding1 Truly waiting on God, requires action on our part. So are you truly waiting or procrastinating? While we are waiting on God, we are still supposed to be going about the business of our daily lives. While we wait, we are to renew our strength, ,work with haste and not grow so easily tired or burnt out. We should stop to enjoy life, without feeling that we are not making adequate progress. This verse speaks of ACTION, not sitting at a stand still. So whatever excuses you’ve used in the past, they no longer work, go right ahead and toss them out the window with the bath water, God does not need our assistance to make good on his word, it is our responsibility to work, with faith, motivation and determination, trusting that God, who directs the affairs of our lives, will give us the ability and tools required to accomplish everything that’s set before us. So, Are You Ready To Get Started?

~Waiting On The Lord, Means To Have Faith/Confidence In Him, We Are Equipped To Do The Work & Accomplish The Tasks Before Us!~

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