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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Have You Ever?

20090925-tows-registry-290x218 Have you been giving too much of yourself away? Have you ever wondered if your efforts are worth it, when you walk away and no one says thank you? Have you ever slipped a financial gift in someone’s hand, have you ever lifted up a prayer for someone else? Have you ever sacrificed your want to help meet someone else’s need?

Have you ever been an unnamed simran-sethi-paint-290x218 solider who has marched in someone’s life to make it better, and all that is left is the impact (footprints) of your presence on their life? Have you ever questioned the energy it required to finish a task for someone or something else that was important at the time, only to drain all your energy and not be able to accomplish what you needed to when you arrived at your home? Have you ever invested so much time in something, someone or a particular task, and those hours you poured in seemed to yield little return for your investment? For every act that you think has gone unnoticed, for every good deed that you think has gone under the radar it has not. It will be rewarded. 78614-60dg

Unnoticed giving, giving in secret. Expending your time energy and resources, don’t forget emotions with little notice from others. You may seem like your very much underappreciated, you may think your unnoticed or undervalued, but you are not.

So if you happen to find yourself feeling this way, do not despair. Someone sees your efforts and they have not gone unnoticed in his eyes. He (God) is watching every opportunity you’ve seized, every gift you’ve given, every kind word you’ve said, he has taken notice and he will reward you in due time. Isn’t that the best reward worth receiving anyway?

Monday, November 30, 2009

It’s Time For You To Walk Part 1

You know how babies when they first learn to walk they grab on to different things around the house and don’t have very much strength and a degree of uncertainty. Now anytime a baby starts to walk they eventually encounter something they want and give up and crawl, when they first started you were happy, but as time moves on, and they begin to try and walk they get no praise. When they crawl they don’t get any praise from us, they get no applause and no smiling faces. 143-welcome

Hmmm, crawling when it’s time to walk, sounds familiar? It’s easier sometimes though isn’t it? I truly understand, I’ve been there. I’ll be the first to admit, that growing up takes more strength than I originally anticipated. Looking back, I’m sure like me, you faced many difficulties, going from one level of maturity to another, sometimes like me, you may have delayed your own development. Every new level of growth brings new responsibilities. Not just physically in your life, but spiritually also. The time has come, the time is now, it’s time for you to walk my friend, it’s time for you to walk.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Profiling Zacchaeus 4rm Luke 19:1-10 (Part 2)

92315262Now the question, I will try to answer for you is how you fill the emptiness that you feel inside, and how to reach true fulfillment. Sheer Will, Desire, Motivation and Determination.

We need to stop, stop settling for things in our lives that are outside the promise. If God said it, it is so. Learn to pray and move with the Lord’s direction. We must get our lives in complete order. God has promised to be a present help, when we need him and he will strengthen us when we are weak. I encourage you to ask God for wisdom. 

44093 We are no good to the Kingdom if we continue to settle in life, and not strive to reach our maximum potential with the Lord. Please don’t let another year come being outside of the promise or being satisfied with a half-deliverance\half-blessing. The promise is yours to possess, walk into it. The fight with the giants is worth the produce of the land, (Numbers 13 & 14, Joshua 1). For every moment that you feel that you have wasted, know that God can restore your wasted moments and redeem the time.

But before I can get to Zacchaeus, I have to ask, What’s your belief system? That’s right, what are the things that define you, that provide your moral compass, whom and how do you shape your beliefs? How do you see yourself? What gives your life purpose and a sense of direction?

20091105-wet-brushes-290x218 My second semester as a Freshman in college, I asked God to give me his eyes. I realized that I was not viewing myself the way he saw me, and I was not looking at others the way he saw them. Fulfillment does not come from material things. Fulfillment comes from relationships. People become famous and successful but lack strong relationships.

Zacchaeus also teaches us that, even a safe haven, or what you consider a safe haven can become a place of danger, uncertainty, and dissatisfaction. Zacchaeus had quite alot of enemies, he had a good profession but not a good reputation and he was not like by his towns folk. Zacchaeus realized that his adversaries (haters) were his biggest advertisement.

I realize that at times we all wonder what’s taking God so long, to bring about the promises that have been given to us. It’s common to feel like one is surrounded by people, places and things that only seem to frustrate or be the source of one’s frustration.

Zacchaeus had a dream for something better, and he was just waiting for the right opportunity to come along. A word of warning, you can’t tell everyone your dreams, they won’t support you. If you find that you’ve already told them, relax. Despite what Zacchaeus considered to be a hopeless situation he kept pursuing, kept chasing, kept going after the felling that he knew there was something better for him. Now more than ever before people are discouraged or becoming discouraged. Discouragement robs us of our energy and our productivity. Zacchaeus gives us reason to hope again. If you do crazy things for God, I believe he will do crazy things for you, for he chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

I believe that if Zacchaeus could speak to us today his words would be the following, “Be thankful for your limitations Because they give you opportunities for improvement And the motivation to keep dreaming and reach higher Be thankful for each new challenge Because it will build your strength and character”.



Friday, November 20, 2009

A Job Well Done! A Life Well Lived!

6a00e008dd00fc8834010536552f48970c-500wi  Oprah has always inspired me with her honesty, wisdom and effort to make the world a better place. Oprah you have a special place in my heart, may you continue your walk with the Lord, for I know he is still going to complete the work he has started in you. Your living has not been in vain, and this I know for sure, you will hear the Lord say, Well Done, My Good and Faithful Servant. Much Love, My Prayers will always be with you Oprah.



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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Profiling Zacchaeus 4rm Luke 19:1-10 (Part 1)

dressed-for-battle-lg Let’s take an in-depth look at Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus is often criticized and looked down upon in our churches today for his uncanny methods for seeing Jesus; however I applaud Zacchaeus, for he was smart enough and had the foresight to realize that what he wanted, to see Jesus was not possible from where he currently was entangled in the crowd.

The bible points out that he was a short man, and there was a large crowd, nevertheless he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a tree just to get a glimpse at Jesus. Wow, could I picture myself wanting to see someone so much or having so much excitement to see one individual that I would climb a tree in the face of a huge crowd?

42-17445301_24_36~Individuality-Posters Has there ever been anything in life that inspired you to climb a tree to get a better look? Have you ever hungered after Jesus so much that you were willing to climb a tree, (move out of your comfort zone), stretch your faith, and result to uncanny methods to seek Jesus? Did you seek Jesus, in spite of the crowds you were around, the friends you partied with or the haters who smiled in your face and then stabbed you in the back?

How far are you willing to go to achieve what you want? Zacchaeus experienced a radical transformation because of his willingness to step outside of his comfort zone, he was successful, talented and wealthy, but he was still empty. Fulfillment does not come from material things.

Many people in society are successful, talented and doing alright by everyone’s standards but still feel empty.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A True Makeover

200165247-001 ….People love makeovers because of the physical results are always good, but I like them because their aim is to change more than just the way people feel about themselves. We all need makeovers from time to time, but if you can see the possibility of changing your life, and what you can become , and not just where you are in the present, you will have achieved a true “makeover”. Which is what most of us are striving for! 


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Saturday, October 24, 2009

It Ain’t Over

For those of you who may be struggling, for those of you who may be going through, be encouraged. It Ain’t Over, lift your head up, you can make, you will survive, look beyond your now, look beyond your present circumstances and know and rest assured that its not over. Whatever you find your self facing know that it’s not over. Continue fighting until you have the victory. In fact things are already looking better for you.

It's Not Over, The Obstacles and Challanges You May Be Facing May Be Rough, But It's Not Over
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We Are Only Passing Through…..

It was supposed to be a great Saturday afternoon of fun and games, but it was starting to take its tool on me. It was more like a war of the wills gone wrong. I was struggling trying to hold on to the rope, and I gave it my best but my hands and grips just were not what they used to be.

When I was invited to this afternoon of fun, I admittedly was taken by surprise. I usually reserve my Saturdays for traveling, meditation and cool down time. I jumped at the chance to do something out of the ordinary schedule for me.


I just knew I had the skills, and to my undiluted pleasure, I did. Just not the body I once had. When I was younger, I jumped at any game that was a manageable team game. That was then and this is now.

You are responsible to the energy you bring in life.

As I lay on the ground nursing my defeat, and my sore hands. I thought about the time that had passed, true I no longer had the body I once possessed, true my strength had decreased, but my drive to continue moving forward, to constantly challenge myself, to push my own boundaries, mentally and physically had only increased with the passage of time.

I had let go of the rope, I let go of any illusions I had that time had not caught up with me. The Holy Bible, says that “We are like the grass that springs up fresh, and then quickly withers away (Psalm 90:5-6)”. Its not just poetic words, but reality.. A gentle reminder that life is fleeting. There are many people who go to great lengths to ignore this reality, but it’s still reality.


I’m not telling you, nor am I giving you permission to let yourself go, do take a self assessment check, look at where you are now, and where you plan to go.  The Holy Bible, says that Moses asked the Lord, to “teach us to number our days, that we may present to him a heart of wisdom”

As you take stock of the time you have left, the stuff, the things that should matter the most to you are the things that matter to God. God can’t bless those whose hands are closed. Give to others, do good deeds, reach out neighbors and friends. It that way you will begin to redeem the time.


Part of facing reality, is recognizing that we are only passing through this world for a short time, and that are lives ought to be precious to us. 


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Second Chances Part 1


What do you do , when you have tried and failed and you want to give up, but your scared to try again because trying again means opening yourself up for hurt again. Maybe you’ve survived physically, but a part of you died on the inside, I speak life unto you. There is nothing that you’ve done, that prevents you from receiving a second chance. Maybe you’ve given up on a dream that you once excitedly shared with everyone, maybe you’ve given up on small simple goals that have piled up over the years, and now seem unattainable. You need a second chance. Second chances are not always given, and they carry an element of apprehension. Step forward, sir,madam, you’ve been given a second chance….


Friday, October 2, 2009

In The Midst Of Your Storm

There are many of my readers, haters, and subscribers who read my blog, and for those of you going through a storm I want to share lizz_wrightsome life lessons and some personal things with you. I have been lead to do this and I mentioned it to a friend during a text conversation a few days ago.

I feel as if many of you have questions. I will be attempting to answer these questions, in a warm friendly style.


  1. What is a storm?
  2. Can I prevent storms from coming in my life?
  3. Is a storm trying to teach me?
  4. Does a storm mean that God does not care about my personal situation or me?
  5. Is it normal to feel alone, or abandoned when going through a storm?
  6. When in a storm whom can I really turn to?
  7. What is God’s role in the midst of my storm?

A storm is a trail (difficult situation), or tribulation that one encounters. A storm cannot be prevented; in fact, they should be welcomed in one’s life. A storm is always a sign that personal growth is about to take place. In the journey we call, life (God) always teaches us lessons, to help us become better people. Life lessons can be learned in good times and bad, however often their application is magnified during our storms. For many of you battered by life’s storms, this is a wake-up call. If you do not pull yourself together, explore your situation, with the help of your personal belief system, you will not make it. 3344403190_8b61fb3f63 You have been going round and round, repeating the exact same lesson repeatedly. God longs to take you higher, to give you a new storm, to elevate you past your current circumstances, but since you have not learned the needed lesson from the storm you are going through you cannot move forward. You stand the risks of losing all or your progress, Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically. Instead of looking for an intellectual or spiritual solution to your situation, I strongly recommend you look for a personal spiritual solution.

Accept the fact that you are in a storm; Suffering is a necessary part of our world, in order to get anywhere new, we all have to go through something. You may ask me Rodrigo, how can you write about such topics as “Storms”, seeing that you are only nineteen years of age, what gives you the authority. I know people who are going through storms right now, I know associates and friends that I talk to all the time and attempt to help them through their personal storms. On this topic,I write from personal experience as well. I have been through many storms; countless life situations and many things that would have made other people lose their minds.

nature_0043_lightbox Remember, that all things work together for your good. It is normal to feel alone, or abandoned when going through a storm, but you are not alone. God is always present. One of my favorite bible verses,Isaiah 6:1, "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. He was high and lifted up."

Whatever situation (storm) you find yourself going through in life is so huge, and so big that you can’t see God, then it’s time you let it die. If it die’s and you still can’t see God, then you need to look up higher, because you are looking entirely too low. You must look higher, you must look beyond your “now”. In a storm, its nice to call on friends, neighbors, and trusted confidants, but don’t forget to turn to God, he is who you can really trust. He is the firm foundation, for which you are seeking.

The Storm, will end and you will be better for having endured the storm. The Lord, God will either calm your storm or allow it to rage, while he calms you, but either way the storm will pass.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Turn The Door Knob

"I knocked and the door opened.  But I found that I had been knocking from the inside and I could've opened the door for myself."   –Tehuti

Let’s take a journey back in time to yesteryear. Do you remember how many people would walk up to you and say Young Man/Young Woman, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

If you were like me when I was young, I always answered immediately and with confidence. When we were younger, we were not acquainted with the emotions of “doubt” and an idea of “limitations”. When we all were younger, we needed no one's permission or approval, we just knew we could be anything we wanted to be.


With the coming of age and maturity, many of us lost the ability to trust our instincts and our own abilities. At some point we began to undermine and doubt our own ability to make things happen. Maybe you prevented yourself from reaching that goal by using some of the following phrases:

  1. This is too hard
  2. This cost too much
  3. I’m not good enough
  4. They don’t want me to succeed anyway
  5. If only I had as much money as so and so
  6. I don’t have that kind of luck
  7. I don’t have the right looks
  8. Don’t quit your day job
  9. Just be grateful that you have a job at all
  10. This is too good to be true

When you make statements like the one above, its like standing on the inside of a door knocking, waiting for someone to come along and open it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A True Paradox

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are so unthankful in today's society. Which got me to thinking, I found this great poem and added a little of myself to it. Enjoy! Be Thankful Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire If you did, what would there be to look forward to? For all of our desires are subject to change with every whim Be thankful when you don't know something For it gives you the opportunity to learn Be thankful for the difficult times During those times you grow


Be thankful for your limitations Because they give you opportunities for improvement And the motivation to keep dreaming and reach higher Be thankful for each new challenge Because it will build your strength and character Lest we forget, your integrity will be stronger as well 


hand holding

Be thankful for your mistakes They will teach you valuable lessons And help you show empathy for the common man Be thankful when you're tired and weary Because it means you've made a difference. Isn't that our number one goal? It is easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those are also thankful for the setbacks Setbacks just hide new opportunities Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, for your troubles will make way for your blessings abstract_0070_lightbox

Be Thankful

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Obedience 2 God

“I want to live so God, can use me, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. I want to live so God gets the glory, anywhere, anyplace, anytime.”

Most of you don’t remember that song as it is before our time, however the words still ring true today. I was talking to one of my prayer partners earlier and we were talking about how God asked of obedience from us.

                  Operator, yes what is your emergency, Information please, Give Me Jesus on the line.

During the semester that just ended, I asked God to increase my anointing and use me in mighty ways, I finally had decided that it was time for God to move my plans out of the way and allow his plans to supersede. I thank God for all the trails he sent my way last semester and for allowing me to build my strength.  During my free-time during or between class I would usually go into the university chapel, play the piano sing and more often than not pray.  I would often just lay before God and just express myself.   I am thankful for those times of prayer and building a closer relationship with God. I don’t have that many friends, for various reasons, but I can remember one day last semester I was trying to be friends with someone and things just were not going well. I went to a table in the cafe by-myself and God said “Ryan, stop, your trying to hard. If I had meant for that person to be your friend I would have laid it on their heart and they would have already accepted you.” You know that hurt, but I appreciate what God said to me, and I took heed.

All I can say to God is that I’m available to him, for he gave me a second chance, and I’m determined to be sold out for him. I’ve got something to shout about, he turned my life around and gave me new life again. I can tell the world how he cleaned and brought me up.  NOW LET ME BE CLEAR, I AM IN NO WAY PERFECT, NIETHER HAVE I CROSSED EVERY I and dotted every T. However I just try to live my life in a way that’s pleasing to God, I make mistakes, I sometimes say and do things that I shouldn't, however I never have not been humble enough to get on my eighteen year old knees and ask God for forgiveness. And that my fellow blog readers is the key, being humble and a willing vessel for God, in any capacity that he decides to use you, remain humble. I was talking to my sister the other day, and I said to her, “Benita, all God wants is a willing vessel”. We are the physical representation of Jesus Christ on earth, we are the salt of the earth, we are to spread God’s love and plan for mankind. If we don’t tell others that God heals, that God saves, that God loves them unconditionally, who will?

I know what God has done for me, and if he never does anything else, he’s already done enough. I serve God because I want to and its not forced.

I was born premature 1 pound and 5 3/4 ounces, now I’m 5’6 140 (I Wish!) Its 160 pounds now and 19yrs old.   


Ryan as a Baby

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What God Has

Either Live Your Life To The Fullest Or You Will sadly Find A Life That Has Not Really Been Lived At All-Rodrigo Zambia Cruz

However, while your living remember what God Has?

God has opening door people in your life.

You need people to help you pull yourself together.

God has people that help you get your life, and talents together.

God has people in your life that will help you finance your dreams.

God has the right person (mate) for you.

God knows what I need. God knows what you need.

And God will provide provision for the vision he has given you.

Trust Him.

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The Point Of It All-The Religious Disconnect Education & Opportunity (The Emancipators)


"Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, the social conditions that cripple them is a dry-as-dust religion."

~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Education and opportunity are and always will be the great emancipators of all people in the fight for equality. This is why it’s imperative to continue to fight to educate people rather than just evangelize them. Education and economic empowerment free more than our wallets, its opens the mind and heart and changes the way we process truth, the saying “when people know better they do better” is still relevant in today’s society. The gospel is more than just your favorite three points and a great verse of scripture at the end, its more than the count of conversion cards at the end of a great mission’s trip. True religion, good religion has a responsibility to do more than just sit by and watch people and society descend into chaos, without offering more than the sinners’ prayer. Don’t misunderstand me; I love to see people saved but too often in today’s society the salvation of a person is focused solely on his or her confession, however the true salvation of a society has much more to do with economics, ethics, education and a strong sense of God’s creative plan for all of humanity. What are your thoughts? Feel free to share your comments.


Here At The Altar…

Today I decided to share one of the songs I have written. It was actually inspired by listening to a friend joke around at the lunch table one day. Its designed not to function as a song all by itself, but as an extension. Hope you all enjoy.


Here At The Altar

Here at the altar I humbly bow

Here at the altar I stand before you now

Here at the altar, Is where I want to be

Here at the altar, I need you now

Here at the altar, lord help me now

Here at the altar, I rely on you

Here at the altar, I trust in you

Here at the altar, Is Where I want to be

I come with my head bowed down

I come before you



I come because you require me to do your will

Heal my wounded, broken and contrite spirit, for at your altar I stand

Here at the altar, Here at the altar is where I long to be




Sunday, August 23, 2009

Introducing A Long Walk!!!

Finally after much thought and work. I have finally decided to go ahead with the plans for my new blog!!!

Basically My Goal Here is to impart, share many of the things I have learned on a more personal level. So you could call this the “Best of Rodrigo”!  Hopefully I will inspire you all to Live Your Best Life’s. 

Let The Journey Begin!!!!





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