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Thursday, February 18, 2010

God~Must Be 1st!

20100204-tows-nunnery-2-600x250 I believe that the most difficult thing to do is Praise God when things are not going well, when our backs are against a wall, when all hell seems to be breaking loose in our lives, but those are precisely the times when we should Praise God, even the more, for we owe God a praise. However, so many people are walking around giving God their leftovers, leftover money, leftover talent, leftover prayer life, leftover worship, oh but what if God gave you someone’s leftover breath, do you think you would be able to breath?

6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6

What if God gave us some leftover sunlight, would it still warm the earth anew? What if God gave us some leftover rain, would it fall from the sky to wash the earth clean? What if God gave us, a leftover anointing, would we be as effective? What if God gave us leftover grace, would we have made it out alive, in a place we knew we should not have been in the first place? What if God gave us left over mercy, would you have still just caught the STD and not the HIV? What if God, 201003-omag-clutter-blackberry-130x89 Oh What if God, decided to give you leftover salvation, would all your sins, still be washed away? What if God decided to give you leftover sanity, would you still know him as a keeper? What if God, decided to give you leftover time, would you be able to accomplish everything that has been set before you?

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

200908-omag-food-tart-220x312 God should be first in our lives, not an afterthought, someone we reach out to just when we need him, someone who’s only called on in cases of emergency. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy hearing from God daily.

I put him first in everything I do, for it is in him I move, breath and have my being. Don’t get it twisted, we would be nothing without God, we could do nothing without him.  It  is because of his grace and mercy that we made it through the most difficult parts of our lives,it’s because of his grace and mercy, that we didn’t commit suicide,committing to death everything God had placed within us.

food_200303_apples_290x218 It’s because of his grace and mercy that we didn’t die of a drug overdose, don’t get it twisted, my friends, readers, haters, and family, you didn't get where you are in life on your own. How do I know this, I tried it on my own, I couldn't make it, without God holding my hand.

So if you find yourself, giving God your leftovers, and not putting  God first in your life, I urge you to do so today, he will make a change in your life, and your life will be sweeter with him as your guide.

Read More @ adifferentmeandyou.wordpress.com

Your Next Step……

svg Every move you make, every single day,every time you pray, every step you take….

Wherever you may happen to be as you read this post, turn to your neighbor, turn to your friend, turn, turn to anybody and say to them with conviction, “My Next Step Is Destiny”!!

Relationship With God 

It is impossible to walk with God, have a relationship with God and your life not be changed, God always inspires us to reach for more, believe in ourselves and our abilities. God loves to remind us that he can do the impossible and that with his help we can achieve the seemingly impossible. 

24And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:24

84587732 The more you walk with God, the more your life will change, often we feel like we are walking thorough life in circles, or a cycle like the children of Israel were when they walked in the desert for forty years.

Repeating Cycle’s/Roadblocks

However, you are not in a repeating cycle, even though you may not think you are making progress, you are.  A cycle is a roadblock, something that frustrates you, such as when people lose their wallet, they search and search and search, with one determined focus, getting their lost or misplaced wallet back.

While walking with God, we fight battles of both spiritual and physical warfare.  It is not enough to just pray in the spiritual, and to conduct spiritual warfare and ignore the reality around you.

How I Conduct Spiritual Warfare

20091105-paint-station-190x130 The following is a journal entry I wrote not too long ago, when I was fighting a spiritual battle:  

God, I have been in Spiritual Warfare since I have been sleep last night, the devil knows that I fight on all fronts, and that I’m just positioning myself for victory, my actions, my prayer life, my conversation and my relationships have all been in one direction, totally focused on the battle at hand. I have had people sing, read & even pray for me. I have used everything at my disposal to fight this battle. I refuse to concede defeat, I realize that often I must go through, to get to my breakthrough. God, could I be aiming at too many things at one time, thereby rendering myself ineffective at obtaining the victory over just one thing? 96354006 Could I have my hands set to do too many things? God how can I regain my focus? How can I give the tasks in front of me 100%.  God I have so many things I want to see you do in my life, I realize that I must wait on your perfect timing, but honestly I am tired of waiting. God, there are so many people close to me who need a breakthrough, need a miracle, they need you to come through for them, or they just won’t make it. God I have faith in the tools you have given me, and I know you will use the tools you have placed in my hand to be effective against the battle at hand. God even I, find myself needing your help and I am totally dependent on you.

!Your Next Step Is Destiny!

Let’s Take A Walk

If I may take the liberty, I want you to imagine yourself walking in a prairie wilderness, with God, all around you are just lush grass, flowers and trees as far as your eyes can see. You can feel his presence beside you, the weather is warm and the sun is shining just right with a slight breeze. As you walk, you begin to tell God all your troubles, all your heartaches, all your struggles. God turns to you and says, my child tell me about where you are now. You begin to tell God how your struggling, you feel like your not going anywhere, your tired of working towards your goals and dreams, you feel like things would be going better for you if you were back home, or if you could just be anywhere else than where you are now. You reflect with regret on some of your past mistakes and choices. God looks at you, with eyes filled with love, and with his still quiet voice, he says,  My child, do you not know that I who created you, had a plan in mind for you before you were born, that I who created you, knew what tasks you would face, knew what battles you would triumph in, I who created you, filled you with creativity and knowledge, filled you with ideas and concepts. I make all things well, as you have been walking down life’s journey, I have been right here beside you, at times you felt alone, you couldn't feel my presence but I was still here, at times you called out to me, in desperation, in despair, in anguish, it hurt me to see you so, but my hand was still here to guide you. You see my child, only you thought things in your life were delayed, only you thought that you were not moving fast enough, you saw everyone else succeed, saw everyone else move ahead in your eyes and you questioned me. You wondered what was taking so long, why were my promises so far off for you, while others around you seemed to get blessed every day, living half the life you live. You see my child, while on the surface it looks as though those around you are really doing well they are not really living, just functioning through life.  My Child, I who have started a work in you, have you just where you need to be, walking with me, you can never go wrong. Each day of your life, you have been walking with me, and I have always guided you where you needed to be, I know what’s best for you, and I made a plan for you before you were born, I considered all the obstacles and trails and tribulations you would face, and I made them all work for your good and according to my plan, and now Your Next Step Is Destiny, That’s only if you choose to continue to walk this journey with me, God then says, Will You?

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