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Monday, November 30, 2009

It’s Time For You To Walk Part 1

You know how babies when they first learn to walk they grab on to different things around the house and don’t have very much strength and a degree of uncertainty. Now anytime a baby starts to walk they eventually encounter something they want and give up and crawl, when they first started you were happy, but as time moves on, and they begin to try and walk they get no praise. When they crawl they don’t get any praise from us, they get no applause and no smiling faces. 143-welcome

Hmmm, crawling when it’s time to walk, sounds familiar? It’s easier sometimes though isn’t it? I truly understand, I’ve been there. I’ll be the first to admit, that growing up takes more strength than I originally anticipated. Looking back, I’m sure like me, you faced many difficulties, going from one level of maturity to another, sometimes like me, you may have delayed your own development. Every new level of growth brings new responsibilities. Not just physically in your life, but spiritually also. The time has come, the time is now, it’s time for you to walk my friend, it’s time for you to walk.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Profiling Zacchaeus 4rm Luke 19:1-10 (Part 2)

92315262Now the question, I will try to answer for you is how you fill the emptiness that you feel inside, and how to reach true fulfillment. Sheer Will, Desire, Motivation and Determination.

We need to stop, stop settling for things in our lives that are outside the promise. If God said it, it is so. Learn to pray and move with the Lord’s direction. We must get our lives in complete order. God has promised to be a present help, when we need him and he will strengthen us when we are weak. I encourage you to ask God for wisdom. 

44093 We are no good to the Kingdom if we continue to settle in life, and not strive to reach our maximum potential with the Lord. Please don’t let another year come being outside of the promise or being satisfied with a half-deliverance\half-blessing. The promise is yours to possess, walk into it. The fight with the giants is worth the produce of the land, (Numbers 13 & 14, Joshua 1). For every moment that you feel that you have wasted, know that God can restore your wasted moments and redeem the time.

But before I can get to Zacchaeus, I have to ask, What’s your belief system? That’s right, what are the things that define you, that provide your moral compass, whom and how do you shape your beliefs? How do you see yourself? What gives your life purpose and a sense of direction?

20091105-wet-brushes-290x218 My second semester as a Freshman in college, I asked God to give me his eyes. I realized that I was not viewing myself the way he saw me, and I was not looking at others the way he saw them. Fulfillment does not come from material things. Fulfillment comes from relationships. People become famous and successful but lack strong relationships.

Zacchaeus also teaches us that, even a safe haven, or what you consider a safe haven can become a place of danger, uncertainty, and dissatisfaction. Zacchaeus had quite alot of enemies, he had a good profession but not a good reputation and he was not like by his towns folk. Zacchaeus realized that his adversaries (haters) were his biggest advertisement.

I realize that at times we all wonder what’s taking God so long, to bring about the promises that have been given to us. It’s common to feel like one is surrounded by people, places and things that only seem to frustrate or be the source of one’s frustration.

Zacchaeus had a dream for something better, and he was just waiting for the right opportunity to come along. A word of warning, you can’t tell everyone your dreams, they won’t support you. If you find that you’ve already told them, relax. Despite what Zacchaeus considered to be a hopeless situation he kept pursuing, kept chasing, kept going after the felling that he knew there was something better for him. Now more than ever before people are discouraged or becoming discouraged. Discouragement robs us of our energy and our productivity. Zacchaeus gives us reason to hope again. If you do crazy things for God, I believe he will do crazy things for you, for he chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

I believe that if Zacchaeus could speak to us today his words would be the following, “Be thankful for your limitations Because they give you opportunities for improvement And the motivation to keep dreaming and reach higher Be thankful for each new challenge Because it will build your strength and character”.



Friday, November 20, 2009

A Job Well Done! A Life Well Lived!

6a00e008dd00fc8834010536552f48970c-500wi  Oprah has always inspired me with her honesty, wisdom and effort to make the world a better place. Oprah you have a special place in my heart, may you continue your walk with the Lord, for I know he is still going to complete the work he has started in you. Your living has not been in vain, and this I know for sure, you will hear the Lord say, Well Done, My Good and Faithful Servant. Much Love, My Prayers will always be with you Oprah.



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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Profiling Zacchaeus 4rm Luke 19:1-10 (Part 1)

dressed-for-battle-lg Let’s take an in-depth look at Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus is often criticized and looked down upon in our churches today for his uncanny methods for seeing Jesus; however I applaud Zacchaeus, for he was smart enough and had the foresight to realize that what he wanted, to see Jesus was not possible from where he currently was entangled in the crowd.

The bible points out that he was a short man, and there was a large crowd, nevertheless he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a tree just to get a glimpse at Jesus. Wow, could I picture myself wanting to see someone so much or having so much excitement to see one individual that I would climb a tree in the face of a huge crowd?

42-17445301_24_36~Individuality-Posters Has there ever been anything in life that inspired you to climb a tree to get a better look? Have you ever hungered after Jesus so much that you were willing to climb a tree, (move out of your comfort zone), stretch your faith, and result to uncanny methods to seek Jesus? Did you seek Jesus, in spite of the crowds you were around, the friends you partied with or the haters who smiled in your face and then stabbed you in the back?

How far are you willing to go to achieve what you want? Zacchaeus experienced a radical transformation because of his willingness to step outside of his comfort zone, he was successful, talented and wealthy, but he was still empty. Fulfillment does not come from material things.

Many people in society are successful, talented and doing alright by everyone’s standards but still feel empty.

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