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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It’s A Light Thing

So often in life we face many trails, tribulations and struggles and things that seem to break us down. Today, I want you to look beyond the surface, see beyond what you are going through right now. What you are facing now is only a light thing to the Lord!  You must remember that no matter the situation, God is in the picture, and he is watching over you. I want you to begin to see God, working the situation out for you. Because my friends, God is working it out. He is concerned about you.

88514949 I know you may not be where you want to be in your life right now, but don’t despise your humble beginning “He That Will Rise, Let Him Begin Low”, after you have suffered awhile, God will restore you.


8We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 2 Corinthians 4:8

You cannot allow your sight to be limited by your current situation, you must be able to see God through any situation in life that you face. Remember it’s only a light thing.  In life we wish we could take the easiest way through our trails, God in his wisdom knows that is not the right path for us to take.

~Be Careful Who You Place The Blame On When Things Do Not Go In Your Favor~

Friday, April 16, 2010

It’s A Crushing Matter

98310604  In Ancient times in order to produce olive oil, the olives had to be crushed using very large millstones, to extract the oil.The crushing allowed the oil to flow from the olive oil, and was the only way the oil could be extracted.

Our lives operate in very much the same way. Our struggles, our trails and our tribulations, seemingly overwhelm us, the pressure seems to mount, and we feel like we are being crushed. We as a result of being crushed by life, cry out to God for help.

Often times, we cry out to God, in the middle of our “crushing”  and it may seem like relief from the pressure, cares and stresses of life, cannot come fast enough. One must realize that the “crushing” you feel is apart of God’s plan.

God’s word informs us, that we are like clay, in his (the master potter’s) hands.God takes our “crushing” moments, and uses them as an instrument for his glory, he uses our “crushing” moments, to shape and mold us.

6O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. Jeremiah 18:4

Sometimes, when we are being “crushed”, we get broken, hurt, misused and abused by life and people. The pain we feel, the tears we cry, the night’s spent wondering why, through our season of “crushing”, were not in vain. You see, God in his love for us, draws us to him in his loving hands, and like clay that is broken, remixed and reused, God never throws us away, he gathers us back in his arms and reshapes and restores us again.

It is this period of “crushing” that one experiences in their life, that allows the oil (anointing)  to flow.

Are you ready to be “crushed”, so that the anointing can flow? What do we have to fear, we know that our trails, tribulations and struggles are not sent to kill us. God has promised us, that he would be with us, we may go thorough the fire (a period of crushing), but God has his hand on the thermostat and I’m glad about it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Home Court Advantage

homecourtadavatage Have you ever played basketball? When one plays basketball on a team there is something called home court advantage. I want you to imagine that you are on a basketball team, and it’s game day, and your team has home court advantage.

You and your teammates are in the final quarter, the score clock is running low. Your teammate is cornered in, looking for someone to pass the ball to he spots you, and passes you the ball. You begin to make the final drive to the basket, members from the opposing team, stop you right before you get ready to make the lucky basket that will help send your team to victory, you get cornered and are forced to pass the ball.

allen2 Life is like that, so many times we face so many obstacles, that sometimes we begin to feel overwhelmed. We find our self stressing out over things, many times that we cannot control. In the basketball game of life, we find ourselves cornered, options and choices running low, the pressure to make a decision mounts. Many times it may seem like, we break free, only to run back into opposition. However, you have Home Court Advantage.

When you find yourself running into a wall of resistance, a wall of problems, a wall of situations that seem insurmountable, there is someone there patiently waiting for you to pass them the ball, your teammates name is Jesus. He’s standing there patiently waiting, without complaint while you’ve tried everything on your own, tried your own moves, tired your own tricks, he has sat right there, when you got up, dusted yourself off and began again, only to feel like you’ve run into a brick wall, or a repeating cycle. He has stood right there patiently waiting.

 allen Pass him the ball! We are instructed that when things become too much for us to handle, when they become overwhelming, when they begin to cause blood pressure issues and began to affect every area of our lives, to pass the ball to him.  God’s word tells us to, cast our cares on him, because he cares for us {1 Peter 5:7}.

In other words, when you’ve looked around and seem to find yourself all alone, God is right there waiting for you to pass him the ball. You must realize that God is with you, and because he is the greatest power you shall not be defeated, you my friend have home court advantage.

28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

allen-iverson-cut-his-hair When things become too much for you to handle, when the cares of life seem to much to handle, give everything to God, he’s waiting on you, he will give you peace and rest, and he will make your burdens much easier to bear. 

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