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Monday, August 24, 2009

A True Paradox

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are so unthankful in today's society. Which got me to thinking, I found this great poem and added a little of myself to it. Enjoy! Be Thankful Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire If you did, what would there be to look forward to? For all of our desires are subject to change with every whim Be thankful when you don't know something For it gives you the opportunity to learn Be thankful for the difficult times During those times you grow


Be thankful for your limitations Because they give you opportunities for improvement And the motivation to keep dreaming and reach higher Be thankful for each new challenge Because it will build your strength and character Lest we forget, your integrity will be stronger as well 


hand holding

Be thankful for your mistakes They will teach you valuable lessons And help you show empathy for the common man Be thankful when you're tired and weary Because it means you've made a difference. Isn't that our number one goal? It is easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those are also thankful for the setbacks Setbacks just hide new opportunities Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, for your troubles will make way for your blessings abstract_0070_lightbox

Be Thankful

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Obedience 2 God

“I want to live so God, can use me, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. I want to live so God gets the glory, anywhere, anyplace, anytime.”

Most of you don’t remember that song as it is before our time, however the words still ring true today. I was talking to one of my prayer partners earlier and we were talking about how God asked of obedience from us.

                  Operator, yes what is your emergency, Information please, Give Me Jesus on the line.

During the semester that just ended, I asked God to increase my anointing and use me in mighty ways, I finally had decided that it was time for God to move my plans out of the way and allow his plans to supersede. I thank God for all the trails he sent my way last semester and for allowing me to build my strength.  During my free-time during or between class I would usually go into the university chapel, play the piano sing and more often than not pray.  I would often just lay before God and just express myself.   I am thankful for those times of prayer and building a closer relationship with God. I don’t have that many friends, for various reasons, but I can remember one day last semester I was trying to be friends with someone and things just were not going well. I went to a table in the cafe by-myself and God said “Ryan, stop, your trying to hard. If I had meant for that person to be your friend I would have laid it on their heart and they would have already accepted you.” You know that hurt, but I appreciate what God said to me, and I took heed.

All I can say to God is that I’m available to him, for he gave me a second chance, and I’m determined to be sold out for him. I’ve got something to shout about, he turned my life around and gave me new life again. I can tell the world how he cleaned and brought me up.  NOW LET ME BE CLEAR, I AM IN NO WAY PERFECT, NIETHER HAVE I CROSSED EVERY I and dotted every T. However I just try to live my life in a way that’s pleasing to God, I make mistakes, I sometimes say and do things that I shouldn't, however I never have not been humble enough to get on my eighteen year old knees and ask God for forgiveness. And that my fellow blog readers is the key, being humble and a willing vessel for God, in any capacity that he decides to use you, remain humble. I was talking to my sister the other day, and I said to her, “Benita, all God wants is a willing vessel”. We are the physical representation of Jesus Christ on earth, we are the salt of the earth, we are to spread God’s love and plan for mankind. If we don’t tell others that God heals, that God saves, that God loves them unconditionally, who will?

I know what God has done for me, and if he never does anything else, he’s already done enough. I serve God because I want to and its not forced.

I was born premature 1 pound and 5 3/4 ounces, now I’m 5’6 140 (I Wish!) Its 160 pounds now and 19yrs old.   


Ryan as a Baby

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What God Has

Either Live Your Life To The Fullest Or You Will sadly Find A Life That Has Not Really Been Lived At All-Rodrigo Zambia Cruz

However, while your living remember what God Has?

God has opening door people in your life.

You need people to help you pull yourself together.

God has people that help you get your life, and talents together.

God has people in your life that will help you finance your dreams.

God has the right person (mate) for you.

God knows what I need. God knows what you need.

And God will provide provision for the vision he has given you.

Trust Him.

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The Point Of It All-The Religious Disconnect Education & Opportunity (The Emancipators)


"Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, the social conditions that cripple them is a dry-as-dust religion."

~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Education and opportunity are and always will be the great emancipators of all people in the fight for equality. This is why it’s imperative to continue to fight to educate people rather than just evangelize them. Education and economic empowerment free more than our wallets, its opens the mind and heart and changes the way we process truth, the saying “when people know better they do better” is still relevant in today’s society. The gospel is more than just your favorite three points and a great verse of scripture at the end, its more than the count of conversion cards at the end of a great mission’s trip. True religion, good religion has a responsibility to do more than just sit by and watch people and society descend into chaos, without offering more than the sinners’ prayer. Don’t misunderstand me; I love to see people saved but too often in today’s society the salvation of a person is focused solely on his or her confession, however the true salvation of a society has much more to do with economics, ethics, education and a strong sense of God’s creative plan for all of humanity. What are your thoughts? Feel free to share your comments.


Here At The Altar…

Today I decided to share one of the songs I have written. It was actually inspired by listening to a friend joke around at the lunch table one day. Its designed not to function as a song all by itself, but as an extension. Hope you all enjoy.


Here At The Altar

Here at the altar I humbly bow

Here at the altar I stand before you now

Here at the altar, Is where I want to be

Here at the altar, I need you now

Here at the altar, lord help me now

Here at the altar, I rely on you

Here at the altar, I trust in you

Here at the altar, Is Where I want to be

I come with my head bowed down

I come before you



I come because you require me to do your will

Heal my wounded, broken and contrite spirit, for at your altar I stand

Here at the altar, Here at the altar is where I long to be




Sunday, August 23, 2009

Introducing A Long Walk!!!

Finally after much thought and work. I have finally decided to go ahead with the plans for my new blog!!!

Basically My Goal Here is to impart, share many of the things I have learned on a more personal level. So you could call this the “Best of Rodrigo”!  Hopefully I will inspire you all to Live Your Best Life’s. 

Let The Journey Begin!!!!





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