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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Have You Ever?

20090925-tows-registry-290x218 Have you been giving too much of yourself away? Have you ever wondered if your efforts are worth it, when you walk away and no one says thank you? Have you ever slipped a financial gift in someone’s hand, have you ever lifted up a prayer for someone else? Have you ever sacrificed your want to help meet someone else’s need?

Have you ever been an unnamed simran-sethi-paint-290x218 solider who has marched in someone’s life to make it better, and all that is left is the impact (footprints) of your presence on their life? Have you ever questioned the energy it required to finish a task for someone or something else that was important at the time, only to drain all your energy and not be able to accomplish what you needed to when you arrived at your home? Have you ever invested so much time in something, someone or a particular task, and those hours you poured in seemed to yield little return for your investment? For every act that you think has gone unnoticed, for every good deed that you think has gone under the radar it has not. It will be rewarded. 78614-60dg

Unnoticed giving, giving in secret. Expending your time energy and resources, don’t forget emotions with little notice from others. You may seem like your very much underappreciated, you may think your unnoticed or undervalued, but you are not.

So if you happen to find yourself feeling this way, do not despair. Someone sees your efforts and they have not gone unnoticed in his eyes. He (God) is watching every opportunity you’ve seized, every gift you’ve given, every kind word you’ve said, he has taken notice and he will reward you in due time. Isn’t that the best reward worth receiving anyway?

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