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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Turn The Door Knob

"I knocked and the door opened.  But I found that I had been knocking from the inside and I could've opened the door for myself."   –Tehuti

Let’s take a journey back in time to yesteryear. Do you remember how many people would walk up to you and say Young Man/Young Woman, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

If you were like me when I was young, I always answered immediately and with confidence. When we were younger, we were not acquainted with the emotions of “doubt” and an idea of “limitations”. When we all were younger, we needed no one's permission or approval, we just knew we could be anything we wanted to be.


With the coming of age and maturity, many of us lost the ability to trust our instincts and our own abilities. At some point we began to undermine and doubt our own ability to make things happen. Maybe you prevented yourself from reaching that goal by using some of the following phrases:

  1. This is too hard
  2. This cost too much
  3. I’m not good enough
  4. They don’t want me to succeed anyway
  5. If only I had as much money as so and so
  6. I don’t have that kind of luck
  7. I don’t have the right looks
  8. Don’t quit your day job
  9. Just be grateful that you have a job at all
  10. This is too good to be true

When you make statements like the one above, its like standing on the inside of a door knocking, waiting for someone to come along and open it.

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