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Monday, October 26, 2009

A True Makeover

200165247-001 ….People love makeovers because of the physical results are always good, but I like them because their aim is to change more than just the way people feel about themselves. We all need makeovers from time to time, but if you can see the possibility of changing your life, and what you can become , and not just where you are in the present, you will have achieved a true “makeover”. Which is what most of us are striving for! 


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Saturday, October 24, 2009

It Ain’t Over

For those of you who may be struggling, for those of you who may be going through, be encouraged. It Ain’t Over, lift your head up, you can make, you will survive, look beyond your now, look beyond your present circumstances and know and rest assured that its not over. Whatever you find your self facing know that it’s not over. Continue fighting until you have the victory. In fact things are already looking better for you.

It's Not Over, The Obstacles and Challanges You May Be Facing May Be Rough, But It's Not Over
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We Are Only Passing Through…..

It was supposed to be a great Saturday afternoon of fun and games, but it was starting to take its tool on me. It was more like a war of the wills gone wrong. I was struggling trying to hold on to the rope, and I gave it my best but my hands and grips just were not what they used to be.

When I was invited to this afternoon of fun, I admittedly was taken by surprise. I usually reserve my Saturdays for traveling, meditation and cool down time. I jumped at the chance to do something out of the ordinary schedule for me.


I just knew I had the skills, and to my undiluted pleasure, I did. Just not the body I once had. When I was younger, I jumped at any game that was a manageable team game. That was then and this is now.

You are responsible to the energy you bring in life.

As I lay on the ground nursing my defeat, and my sore hands. I thought about the time that had passed, true I no longer had the body I once possessed, true my strength had decreased, but my drive to continue moving forward, to constantly challenge myself, to push my own boundaries, mentally and physically had only increased with the passage of time.

I had let go of the rope, I let go of any illusions I had that time had not caught up with me. The Holy Bible, says that “We are like the grass that springs up fresh, and then quickly withers away (Psalm 90:5-6)”. Its not just poetic words, but reality.. A gentle reminder that life is fleeting. There are many people who go to great lengths to ignore this reality, but it’s still reality.


I’m not telling you, nor am I giving you permission to let yourself go, do take a self assessment check, look at where you are now, and where you plan to go.  The Holy Bible, says that Moses asked the Lord, to “teach us to number our days, that we may present to him a heart of wisdom”

As you take stock of the time you have left, the stuff, the things that should matter the most to you are the things that matter to God. God can’t bless those whose hands are closed. Give to others, do good deeds, reach out neighbors and friends. It that way you will begin to redeem the time.


Part of facing reality, is recognizing that we are only passing through this world for a short time, and that are lives ought to be precious to us. 


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Second Chances Part 1


What do you do , when you have tried and failed and you want to give up, but your scared to try again because trying again means opening yourself up for hurt again. Maybe you’ve survived physically, but a part of you died on the inside, I speak life unto you. There is nothing that you’ve done, that prevents you from receiving a second chance. Maybe you’ve given up on a dream that you once excitedly shared with everyone, maybe you’ve given up on small simple goals that have piled up over the years, and now seem unattainable. You need a second chance. Second chances are not always given, and they carry an element of apprehension. Step forward, sir,madam, you’ve been given a second chance….


Friday, October 2, 2009

In The Midst Of Your Storm

There are many of my readers, haters, and subscribers who read my blog, and for those of you going through a storm I want to share lizz_wrightsome life lessons and some personal things with you. I have been lead to do this and I mentioned it to a friend during a text conversation a few days ago.

I feel as if many of you have questions. I will be attempting to answer these questions, in a warm friendly style.


  1. What is a storm?
  2. Can I prevent storms from coming in my life?
  3. Is a storm trying to teach me?
  4. Does a storm mean that God does not care about my personal situation or me?
  5. Is it normal to feel alone, or abandoned when going through a storm?
  6. When in a storm whom can I really turn to?
  7. What is God’s role in the midst of my storm?

A storm is a trail (difficult situation), or tribulation that one encounters. A storm cannot be prevented; in fact, they should be welcomed in one’s life. A storm is always a sign that personal growth is about to take place. In the journey we call, life (God) always teaches us lessons, to help us become better people. Life lessons can be learned in good times and bad, however often their application is magnified during our storms. For many of you battered by life’s storms, this is a wake-up call. If you do not pull yourself together, explore your situation, with the help of your personal belief system, you will not make it. 3344403190_8b61fb3f63 You have been going round and round, repeating the exact same lesson repeatedly. God longs to take you higher, to give you a new storm, to elevate you past your current circumstances, but since you have not learned the needed lesson from the storm you are going through you cannot move forward. You stand the risks of losing all or your progress, Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically. Instead of looking for an intellectual or spiritual solution to your situation, I strongly recommend you look for a personal spiritual solution.

Accept the fact that you are in a storm; Suffering is a necessary part of our world, in order to get anywhere new, we all have to go through something. You may ask me Rodrigo, how can you write about such topics as “Storms”, seeing that you are only nineteen years of age, what gives you the authority. I know people who are going through storms right now, I know associates and friends that I talk to all the time and attempt to help them through their personal storms. On this topic,I write from personal experience as well. I have been through many storms; countless life situations and many things that would have made other people lose their minds.

nature_0043_lightbox Remember, that all things work together for your good. It is normal to feel alone, or abandoned when going through a storm, but you are not alone. God is always present. One of my favorite bible verses,Isaiah 6:1, "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. He was high and lifted up."

Whatever situation (storm) you find yourself going through in life is so huge, and so big that you can’t see God, then it’s time you let it die. If it die’s and you still can’t see God, then you need to look up higher, because you are looking entirely too low. You must look higher, you must look beyond your “now”. In a storm, its nice to call on friends, neighbors, and trusted confidants, but don’t forget to turn to God, he is who you can really trust. He is the firm foundation, for which you are seeking.

The Storm, will end and you will be better for having endured the storm. The Lord, God will either calm your storm or allow it to rage, while he calms you, but either way the storm will pass.

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